Known as "Lukenani" in Guyana. Thanks to its technologies, Go Fish brings us the most effective technical apparel for sport fishing. In addition, it incorporates a unique Full HD design that makes us fall in love with our garment.
- Anti wrinkles.
- Reduction of stains
- Easy to care for.
- Long wash life.
- Softness to the touch.
- Unique and exclusive designs of GO FISH.
Why wear this kind of apparel?
For the following reasons! They are the technologies that Go Fish uses in all its garments:
- THERMO FIT: Breathable fabric that reduces body temperature in summer thanks to its high evaporation capacity and maintains body temperature in winter when used as the first skin under a coat.
- UV FILTER +50: It is a finish that protects the fabric and the skin under it from UV-A and UV-B rays, blocking them without leaving aside the comfort and freshness that the garments offer, preventing the fabric from distilling or discoloring.
- QUICK DRYING: The unique combination of fibers allows our garments to increase their water-repellent characteristics achieving a much faster drying compared to other sportswear.
- ANTIPARASITE: They provide the perfect protection against hyrudiums, popularly known as leeches, "sweet or salty" water lice and other types of aquatic parasites.
- ANTIBACTERIA: Active antibacterial treatment in fabrics removes existing bacteria on the surface of the skin and prevents them from multiplying, reducing odor.
Product of Argentina, South America